peace with our neighbor Most of us are insane of neuroses Enough is enough, you can control Enough is enough, those who don't know Faster, this world is
neighbour Most of us are insane of neuroses Enough is enough - you can control Enough is enough - those who don't know Faster - this world is heading
neighbour Most of us are insane of neuroses Enough is enough - You can control Enough is enough - Those who don't know Faster - This world is heading
Translation: Rage. Enough Is Enough.
I gotta give up to quite the storm that rages inside the way that I hit my damage part you gave me away And I've had enough I imagine the words I say
that} {Hello Yeah Francis Yeah Is Aisha over there? Aisha ain't over here Well do you know where she is? No, I don't know where she is} {You don't know where she is
Sometimes it's tough to make it through the day It's hard enough when all your dreams Just seem so far away I step outside to face a shade of gray, oh
Dance without sleeping I'll dance till I'm numb Dance till I think I can overcome Walking on the edge of rage and understanding Between the black and the white This child is
say, yeah Just one thing, hey, I got to say I need a miracle every day It takes dynamite to get me up Too much of everything is just enough One more
ashes all fall down Heartless powers try to tell us what to think If the spirit's sleeping then the flesh is ink, yea History's page, it is thusly carved
And cleanse my soul of rage Before I feel. Times are hard, hard times, But everybody knows all about hard times. The thing is, what are you gonna do
all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage And someone will say what is lost can never be saved Despite all my rage