Translation: This wonderful collections is ideal for any gathering where people come together in song. We Will Glorify.
Translation: are woven together with compelling narrative to create a moving work for SATB choir, congregation and narrators.
Translation: Classic Hymns and Choruses in Captivating Settings for Contemporary Worship. He Is Lord.
Translation: Some of these pre-reading solos are in the Middle C Position with the melody divided between the hands.
Translation: Nothing captures the energy and intensity inherent in any belief or cause like the passion of youth.
Translation: When He proclaimed that He was the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy, it was more than a resume of credentials.
Translation: - He's The Savior Of My Soul - Hear Our Prayer, O Lord - Heav. A Child Of The King. After the Sunrise.
Translation: I Want to Thank You Lord. He Alone Is Worthy. Thank You Lord Medley.
Translation: More Songs for Praise . More Songs for Praise . Worship Team Edition. The Choir.
Translation: features 4-part harmony with chord symbols arranged in easy keys for congregational singing. All Around The World.
Translation: features 4-part harmony with chord symbols arranged in easy keys for congregational singing. Be Still And Know That I Am God.
Translation: - Christ Be Beside Me - Christ For The World We Sing. - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth.
Translation: How Sweet The Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, The Heritage - And Can It Be That I Should Gain.
Translation: Piano Praise. He Is Exalted. How Majestic Is Your Name. We Will Glorify. He Is Exalted.