Translation: F.k.Ü.. Beware! Pt. 2.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Unstopable Force (Extended Version).
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Dug-out Sucks.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Deutschland.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Mosh Under Pressure.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Die Some More.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Horror Metal Man.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Cut Your Hair.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Michael Myers Costume Party.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Mackrory Mosh.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. He Saw Her Today.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Tear Your Soul Apart.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Bus Bitch Die.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. F.k.Ü. (Coming For You).
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Beware! (Of The Evil Ünderwear).
Translation: F.k.Ü.. You Stink.
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Stomp And Shake (Crystal Lake).
Translation: F.k.Ü.. Maniac.