Translation: Plan.
Translation: The twenty-five pieces in this collection date back to eighteenth and nineteenth century Scotland.
Translation: Smoke On The Water. Wheel In The Sky. Lonely Is The Night. The House of the Rising Sun.
Translation: Songs include American Wake, The Harvest, Heartland, Riverdance, Women of the Sidhe and others. Home And The Heartland.
Translation: Since then the show has been seen live by more than 22 million people and by a television audience of nearly 2 billion. Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. The Activity Room.
Translation: Walk on the Wild Side. Early In The Morning. Against The Wind. Children Of The World.
Translation: 20 selections in PVG format with lavish photography from the show and introductory notes from composer Bill Whelan. Bill Whelan.
Translation: Included are the melody line and chords to over two hundred favorite gospel and bluegrass songs. Banks Of The Ohio.
Translation: If you like to sing with friends, this is the book you've always wanted. The Activity Room. After the Ball is Over.
Translation: This comprehensive book is a facsimile edition of the original collection published in 1883. Distant Greeting Reel.
Translation: It features rhythm tablature for guitar in the famous and easy-to-read Real Book notation. I Fought the Law.
Translation: Anarchy in the U.K.. Bark at the Moon. The Space Between. Take Me to the River.
Translation: The cream of Irish traditional music is presented in three core collections of essential session tunes. The Flannel Jacket.
Translation: Total Eclipse of the Heart. Early In The Morning. Black Hole Sun. Against The Wind. Through The Years.
Translation: The revised edition of this incredible mini fake book includes more than 1,200 of the absolute best songs of all time.
Translation: Songs include Can't Help Falling in Love, The Impossible Dream, Piano Man and hundreds more. The White Cliffs Of Dover.