Translation: Bacchi Calendar: In the month of January (Carl Michael Bellman). Secular. Partsongs. a cappella.
Translation: Bellman. chorlieder. bell3 23.
Translation: Bellman. chorlieder. bell 51.
Translation: Bellman. chorlieder. bell 71.
Translation: Trad. American. All the Pretty Little Horses . Flute Solo.
Translation: M. Leontovych. Carol of the Bells . Flute trio.
Translation: W.A. Mozart. That sounds so pretty from The Magic Flute, K. 620. Flute duet.
Translation: P.I. Tchaikovsky. Garland Waltz from The Sleeping Beauty, Op.66. Flute \u0026 Piano.
Translation: J.B. Calkin. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day . Flute \u0026 Chords.
Translation: JL Pierpont. Jingle Bells . Flute \u0026 Piano.
Translation: Amaryllis, my Bella (Giulio Caccini). Secular. Air. a cappella.
Translation: America, the Beautiful (Samuel A. Ward). Secular. Folksong. Keyboard.
Translation: As the lovely maiden (gdy sliczna panna) (Traditional). Sacred. Carol. Plan.
Translation: The pretty stuff I am going (Charles Tessier). Secular. Songs. a cappella.
Translation: Beauteous (Vocal) Waltz (W. F. Taylor). Secular. Partsongs. a cappella.
Translation: A beauteous fair has stole my heart (John Wall Callcott). Secular. Partsong. a cappella. piano accompaniment.
Translation: Beautiful Home (Horatio Richmond Palmer). Sacred. Hymn. Keyboard.
Translation: The beautiful 'mood (happy I Viver) (John Gastoldi). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.