Translation: AC DC. Hells Bells (Live).
Translation: Black Label Society. Funeral Bell.
Translation: Metallica. For Whom The Bell Tolls.
Translation: Metallica. For Whom The Bell Tolls (2).
Translation: Oldfield, Mike. Tubular Bells.
Translation: Panic At The Disco. Shes A Handsome Woman.
Translation: Santana, Carlos. Bella.
Translation: Soundgarden. Pretty Noose (2).
Translation: Ac Dc. Hells Bells.
Translation: Fancy. Moscow Calling.
Translation: Joe Satriani. Bells Of Lal.
Translation: Mike Oldfield. Tubular Bells.
Translation: Mylene Farmer. Cest Une Belle Journee.
Translation: Anatoly Dneprov. Bells.
Translation: Assorted. North-East [Beautiful Love].
Translation: Акимов. Living Beautifully.
Translation: Виктория Дайнеко. Just Call.