Translation: Found, Angelo Maria. Peace. SATB Choir a cappella. Modern.
Translation: Found, Angelo Maria. Always, always vo 'lodarti. SATB a cappella. Modern.
Translation: Accingetevi Lovers (Orazio Vecchi). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Agnus Dei (Pedro Vilarroig). Sacred. Mass. a cappella.
Translation: All the world's a stage (Huub de Lange). Secular. Partsong. a cappella.
Translation: Apolytikion (David Solomons). Sacred. Anthems. a cappella.
Translation: Ave Maria (Peter Vilarroig). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Ave verum corpus (Michael J. Oczko). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Be near me when my light is low (Huub de Lange). Sacred. Partsongs. a cappella.
Translation: Beati Mortui (Guillaume Bouzignac). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: The Beautiful Changes (Huub de Lange). Secular. Partsong. a cappella.
Translation: Benedictus (Pedro Vilarroig). Sacred. Mass. a cappella.
Translation: Boy at the window (Huub de Lange). Secular. Partsongs. a cappella.
Translation: Camino de Belén (Pedro Vilarroig). Sacred. Carol. a cappella.
Translation: Campos de Castilla (Pedro Vilarroig). Secular. a cappella.
Translation: Cantate Domino (Adrian Cuello). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: La Charité (Huub de Lange). Sacred. Partsong. a cappella.
Translation: About mett'al Lotto (Orazio Vecchi). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.