Translation: R.Pauls.
Translation: "Starlings flew" for children's or female chorus a cappella. I.Dunaevsky.
Translation: Russian. Text S. Ginzburg, "Spring Song" for children or women's choir a cappella. JS Bang.
Translation: Russian. for children's or female chorus a cappella. Ya.Rodionova text, "Life is good". minuet. JS Bang.
Translation: Russian. A.Mashistova text, "Heart, be silent. for children's or female chorus a cappella. saraband. JS Bang.
Translation: "Frolich to jump my herze" для смешанного хора a cappella. I. Kruger.
Translation: "Adoramus Te" for mixed chorus a cappella. O. di Lasso.
Translation: "Miserere" для мужского хора a cappella. A. Lotti.
Translation: "Crucifixus" for mixed-voice choir of eight a cappella. A. Lotti.
Translation: "Miserere" для смешанного хора a cappella. A. Lotti.
Translation: "Miserere" extended version for mixed choir a cappella. A. Lotti.
Translation: WA Mozart.
Translation: "Patrem, omnipotenten" для смешанного хора a cappella. J. Ockeghem.
Translation: "Gloria in exelsis Deo" for mixed chorus a cappella. G. Dufay.
Translation: "The Swan" for choir a cappella. P. Hindemith.
Translation: "Blessed is he who smiles" for mixed chorus a cappella. Tchaikovsky.
Translation: GF Handel.
Translation: Russian text V.Presnyakova. Jr. GF Handel.