Translation: J S Bach 2nd Guitar Application W Schimd. Minuet in G major.
Translation: W A S P. Animal Fuck Like A Beast.
Translation: W A S P. The Big Welcome.
Translation: W A S P. Blind In Texsas.
Translation: W A S P. Chainsaw Charlie.
Translation: W A S P. Hellion.
Translation: W A S P. Hold On To My Heart.
Translation: W A S P. The Idol.
Translation: W A S P. The Idol Live.
Translation: W A S P. I Wanna Be Somebody.
Translation: W A S P. LOVE Machine.
Translation: W A S P. On Your Knees.
Translation: W A S P. School Daze.
Translation: W A S P. Sleeping.
Translation: W A S P. Wild Child.