Translation: Afi. Ok I Feel Better Now.
Translation: Afi. Okay I Feel Better Now.
Translation: Amesoeurs. Fabless Sens Intro.
Translation: Amesoeurs. Weakness Of Meaning.
Translation: Amesoeurs. Weakness Of Sens Intro.
Translation: Ancient. Canto Iii.
Translation: Ancient. Cry Of Marianne.
Translation: Ancient. God Loves The Dead.
Translation: Ancient. Hecate My Love And Lust.
Translation: Ancient. Homage To Pan.
Translation: Ancient. Liliths Embrace Intro.
Translation: Ancient. Food Drandiose Bloodfiends.
Translation: Ancient. Night Visit.
Translation: Ancient. Prophecy Of Gehenna.
Translation: Ancient. The Cainian Chronicle Part Ii Liliths Embrace.
Translation: Ancient. The Call Of The Absu Deep.
Translation: Ancient. Dream Psychodelica.
Translation: Ancient. Vampirize Natasha.