Translation: Misc Computer Games. Super Smash Brothers Melee - Fountain Of Dreams.
Translation: Melee. Build To Last.
Translation: The Subtle Way. Melee.
Translation: Adagio. From My Sleep To Someone Else Solo.
Translation: Adept. At Least Give Me Back My Dreams You Neglient Whore.
Translation: All That Remains. And Death In My Arms.
Translation: Animal Collective. My Girls.
Translation: Antiskeptic. Change My Ways.
Translation: As Blood Runs Black. My Fears Have All Become Phobias.
Translation: Ben Harper. Steal My Kisses.
Translation: Betray My Secrets. Shamanic Dream.
Translation: Bon Jovi. My Guitar Lies Bleeding In My Arms.
Translation: Carnifex. To My Dead And Dark Dreams.
Translation: Catamenia. My Blood Stained Path Intro.
Translation: Children Of Bodom. Hellhounds On My Trail.
Translation: Chris Tomlin. Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone.