Translation: Araketu. Intro spoiled.
Translation: Astroboy. Time time time.
Translation: Astrud. Evil Is In.
Translation: Attaque 77. I Feel Bad.
Translation: Axelle Red. Le Monde Tourne Mal.
Translation: Rich Mullins. Once again Another day gone.
Translation: Rich Mullins. Once again Another day gone Live.
Translation: Brings. Man Msste another 20 being.
Translation: Clueso. Waiting times.
Translation: Creme 21. When is time again True Summer.
Translation: The physicians. Unlike the last time.
Translation: El Tri. All Go Wrong.
Translation: Gerard Manset. No Evil Days have passed.
Translation: Libido. Severe Weather.
Translation: Prisoners. Never Look Back.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Carmen Campagne - My Ptite Evil In A Cow Legs.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Kasun Kalhara - Mal Mitake Thiyanna Solo.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Kasun Kalhara - Mal Warusawe.