Translation: Adam And Andrew. Emo Kid.
Translation: Anti-flag. Indie sux Hard Line Emo sux sux you suck.
Translation: Bill Bailey. Emo Song.
Translation: Blink 182. Emo.
Translation: Cheap Sex. Fuck Emo.
Translation: Fall Out Boy. Second Emo.
Translation: Fei Comodo. Emo Rangers.
Translation: Good Clean Fun. A Little Bit Emo A Little Bit Hardcore.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. 3chordschoir - King Emo.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. A Rainy Tuesday - Anti-emo Anthem.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Area 15 - Emo Girl.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Bod Cj And Emo Kid - The Kool Song.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Debbie Mah And The Emo Guy - Your Loves With Me.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Derrick Comedy - Emo Song.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Down To Earth - The Emo Song.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Emo Side Project - Strawberry Shampoop.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Grasping The Shadows Of Matilda - We Are The Emo Kids Intro.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Hour By Hour - The Ballad Of A White Emo Kid.