Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Mxn - Suka Duka Petani.
Translation: Black Label Society. 13 Years Of Grief.
Translation: Dir En Grey. Grief Intro.
Translation: Law. Acoustic Grief.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. 5 Sadows - Ashes Of Grief.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Arthemesia - The Breeze Of Grief Intro.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Come To Grief - Wrong Choice.
Translation: Misc Unsigned Bands. Sadismminds - Forever Grief.
Translation: Rotting Christ. Sorrowful Farewell.
Translation: Tantric. Mourning.
Translation: Toshio Masuda. Grief And Sorrow.
Translation: Days In Grief. All Inside.