Translation: 10 Years. Chasing The Rapture.
Translation: A Static Lullaby. A Sip Of Wine Chased With Cyanide Solo.
Translation: A Static Lullaby. A Sip Of Wine Chased With Cyanide.
Translation: Ac Dc. Chase The Ace.
Translation: Allister. Chasing Amy.
Translation: Atreyu. Five Vicodin Chased With A Shot Of Clarity.
Translation: August Burns Red. Chasing The Dragon Intro.
Translation: August Burns Red. Chasing The Dragon.
Translation: Bad Religion. Chasing The Wild Goose.
Translation: Bad Religion. Chasing The Wild Goose Intro.
Translation: Calling. Chasing The Sun.
Translation: Catch 22. Chasing The Moon.
Translation: Chase And Status. Heartbeat.
Translation: Chase And Status. Let You Go.
Translation: Chase And Status. Pieces Intro.
Translation: Chase And Status. Pieces.
Translation: Chase And Status. Running.
Translation: Chase Coy. A Lovely Sound Solo.