Translation: Tuba. Strings. Timpani. Percussion.
Translation: Small. Trumpet. Trombone. Plan.
Translation: Shinobu Amayake. Koji Kondo. Nintendo. Easy Piano.
Translation: Koji Kondo. Nintendo. Easy Piano. Solero.
Translation: Shinobu Amayake. Koji Kondo. Nintendo. Piano Solo.
Translation: Shinobu Amayake. Koji Kondo. Piano Solo. Solero.
Translation: Koji Kondo. Nintendo. Piano Solo. Solero.
Translation: Shinobu Amayake. Koji Kondo. Easy Piano. Solero.
Translation: From Koji Kondo's iconic "The Legend of Zeldaâ„ Main Theme" to The Legend of Zeldaâ„.
Translation: Video game soundtracks both old and new feature work by some of the greatest composers of our time.