Translation: Two traditional Greek Christmas carols for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Tick Tock", for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Tango Nefeli" for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Eleftheria", for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Dari Dari" for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Sagapo" for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Children of Greece" for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Oh horostu zolongu" for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: treatment of Greek folk song "Athanasius," for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: Zaitsev.
Translation: "Come to me," for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: "New Year", for mixed chorus a cappella. Zaitsev.
Translation: S. Zaitsev. Copy.
Translation: Now the Powers of Heaven, music. S. Zaitsev. Copy.
Translation: Barber. Et al. Listening CD. Published by Fleur De Son. NX.FDS57928.