Translation: Seventh Sonata. Cello.
Translation: two violins, viola, and cello. "A very enlightened approach, which is certainly worth considering for very young pianists. PF.
Translation: ‘The six Seascapes all lie in first position and range across the four strings.
Translation: An addition to the Cello Time series for young cellists, Cello Time Joggers.
Translation: two violins, viola, and cello. "A very enlightened approach, which is certainly worth considering for very young pianists.
Translation: The Cello Time Sprinters - Piano Accompaniment Book contains all the Piano accompaniments for Cello Time Sprinters.
Translation: The Cello Time Runners - Piano Accompaniment Book contains all the Piano accompaniments for Cello Time Runners.
Translation: The Cello Time Joggers - Piano Accompaniment Book contains all the Piano accompaniments for Cello Time Joggers.
Translation: Teachers and pupils will find this invaluable yet light-hearted collection both enjoyable and stimulating.
Translation: Teachers and pupils will find this invaluable yet light-hearted collection both enjoyable and stimulating. including jazz.
Translation: This book will insoire young players and inject a healthy dose of fun into 'cello lessons.
Translation: A Sketchbook for Violin. Sheet Music. Violin, Piano Accompaniment. PFA.
Translation: 20 very elementary pieces for young players in an easy to follow format. Plan. Sheila M. Nelson.
Translation: the Cello duets are unaccompanied and so printed in the Cello book only. Piano Accompaniment Book Three. Piano Accompaniment.
Translation: "A very enlightened approach, which is certainly worth considering for very young pianists. Sheet Music, CD. Plan.