Translation: Mondengo, Mauritius. Mondengo, Mauritius. Mondengo, Mauritius. Main sheet music.
Translation: Solos.
Translation: The Last Seven Words of Jesus-I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.
Translation: 02 Mezzo-Sopranos, Alto, Tenor and Bass.
Translation: my own version of "twinkle twinkle little star". Main sheet music.
Translation: Virgin, tell me how you g'fall. What are you asking me. Franck, Melchior.
Translation: You should not tell me more treacherous.
Translation: Soprano 1. Tell me why you do not love the fair Chloris.
Translation: Tell me why you do not love the fair Chloris.
Translation: Soprano 2. Tell me why you do not love the fair Chloris.
Translation: Tell me why you do not love the fair Chloris. Tablature .
Translation: I hear you tell me with placid.
Translation: If you could tell me.