Translation: Piano.
Translation: Version 2. Piano.
Translation: Upon reflection, a great significance is revealed with each phrase, demonstrating the infinite wonder and majesty of our Lord.
Translation: Help Us Forgive Ourselves. Lead Us Not into Temptation. Help Us Forgive Ourselves. Lead Us Not Into Temptation.
Translation: This setting is in SSAATTBB voices started with a simple harmony in D Major. and lead us not into temptation. Our Father.
Translation: Songs include Amazing Grace, Crown Him with Many Crowns, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God and hundreds more. Anywhere With Jesus.
Translation: A free PowerPoint presentation of the lyrics for screen projection is available from the publisher's website. Arranged for KS2..
Translation: Help Us Forgive Ourselves. Lead Us Not into Temptation. Choir sheet music. A Journey through the Lord's Prayer.
Translation: In three movements, As We Forgive opens with a fearful invocation of temptation. For concert band. Grade 4.5.