Translation: This setting of Psalm 100 in the metrical New Version was published on p42 of John Broderip's A New Set of Anthems and Psalm Tunes , London.
Translation: IMSLP link , with digitized facsimiles and a modern transcription of the entire publication. The earth is all the Lords.
Translation: This setting was published on p28 of Thomas Jarman's Sacred Music, comprising Thirty Six Select Hymns , London.
Translation: SSB.
Translation: SATB.
Translation: Language. English.
Translation: Large mixed together.
Translation: Your bread with the hungry, BWV 39. His creator or earth. Air. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: The Bremen Town Musicians, On the Trail of the Bremen Town Musicians. Nothing on earth can be better. Romance with a big road.
Translation: Movement 3 of 3, see also The Lord bless thee and keep thee and Peace I Leave With You.
Translation: Movement 1 of 3, see also Peace I Leave With You and How Excellent is Thy Name in all the Earth.
Translation: The alternative text, Ps. 97 New Version, is 'Jehovah reigns, let all the earth'. L.M.
Translation: Leanne Daharja Veitch. Secular , Christmas. secular. Language. English. SATB.
Translation: Tibetan singing bowl. Sacred , Pagan music. Women, Men. Many Pagan traditions.
Translation: The reduction is essentially a thorough bassus and cantus, with simplified rhythms. Latin.
Translation: The 4th section presents a more positive outlook with reprise of the forest theme. Secular , Anthem. Language. English. SAATBB.