Translation: Warren Barker's oh-so-smooth scoring of "Blue Moon" guarantees that another generation will fall in love with this song.
Translation: The program is music literacy-based and satisfies reading and writing mandates in orchestra class. String Bass. Orchestra.
Translation: Rather than say very much here, I'm just going to give you some reviews from flute teachers.
Translation: The program is music literacy-based and satisfies reading and writing mandates in orchestra class. Method.
Translation: The program is music literacy-based and satisfies reading and writing mandates in orchestra class. Violet. Orchestra. For Viola.
Translation: The program is music literacy-based and satisfies reading and writing mandates in orchestra class. Orchestra. For Violin.
Translation: Down On My Knees. Have You Really Been A Friend To Jesus. Heaven Came Down And Glory Filled My Soul.
Translation: Country . More Than You'll Ever Know. Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul. You Make It Rain For Me. Voice sheet music.
Translation: If you are playing with students who are new to the territory, it is a great book to have them develop an ear for jazz chords.
Translation: Will Jesus Find Us Watching. Whosoever Will. Are You Washed In The Blood. Thank You, Lord.
Translation: Take The Name Of Jesus With You. The Lord Bless You and Keep You. We Bid You Welcome.
Translation: He The Pearly Gates Will Open. Satisfied. O, That Will Be Glory For Me. It Will Be Worth It All.
Translation: Guitar sheet music. Guitar Chord Songbook. By Bob Marley.
Translation: Is My Lord Satisfied With Me. I'll Meet You By the River. Shine Down on Me. Did You Ever Go Sailin'. Various.