Translation: What is the cause that thou O Lord. The man is blessed whose wickedness. The man is blessed that careful is.
Translation: The man asks Zeus to be the protector of liberty, and to give him, both now and in his old age, beautiful things, because he is good.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Piano sheet music. For piano, voice, and guitar. chords only. Pop. 5 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music.
Translation: Nearly ev’rything today, is created so they say, just to please the tired bus’ness man. Alfred Publishing Co.. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life. Ukulele. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. A3 Ab5.
Translation: Willie Dixon. Hal Leonard. 0-7579-0169-7. Solero. Lead Sheet.
Translation: Plan. E4-A5. Treble Clef Instrument.
Translation: from Walt Disney Pictures' Tarzan. Plan. Chords.