Translation: Bliss of nostalgia, D.260.
Translation: Sweetness of Sorrow. Schubert.
Translation: Bliss of nostalgia. Beethoven.
Translation: Bliss of nostalgia.
Translation: Sweetness of Sorrow.
Translation: Melancholy. Plan. only medium.
Translation: Melancholy. Plan.
Translation: Joseph von Eichendorff, Will Earheart. Inc.. Plan. Vocal. Solero.
Translation: Legacy. Soprano. Plan.
Translation: Bliss of nostalgia. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Novato Music Press. Solero. Voice. Plan. Op. 83, No. 1.
Translation: Six Songs, op. Bliss of nostalgia. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Solero. Voice.
Translation: Christians Teglbjaerg. Christians Stubbe Teglbjaerg. Soprano or Tenor. Plan.
Translation: Gottwald. Fruhlingsfahrt. Melancholy. Robert Schumann. Choir sheet music. Gottwald. Fruhlingsfahrt.