Translation: Piano, Vocal. Chicken Little. Movie.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. For piano, voice and guitar. Oldies. Plan.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. For piano, voice, and guitar. chords only. Disney. Film.
Translation: Walt Disney's Movie. Hal Leonard. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: You know I ran across an old box of letters while I was bagging up some clothes for Goodwill. Plan. MN0067493_D2.
Translation: You know I ran across an old box of letters while I was bagging up some clothes for Goodwill. Plan. MN0067493_U1.
Translation: You know I ran across an old box of letters while I was bagging up some clothes for Goodwill. Plan. MN0067493.
Translation: You know I ran across an old box of letters while I was bagging up some clothes for Goodwill. Plan. MN0067493_D4.
Translation: You know I ran across an old box of letters while I was bagging up some clothes for Goodwill. Plan. MN0067493_U6.
Translation: You know I ran across an old box of letters while I was bagging up some clothes for Goodwill. Plan. MN0067493_U5.
Translation: You know I ran across an old box of letters while I was bagging up some clothes for Goodwill. Plan. MN0067493_U3.
Translation: Will you know my mistress' face. Voice, Piano Accompaniment. VCE. PFA. CONTENTS. Wilt thou forgive the sin.
Translation: I Sing the Mighty Power of God. And Can I Be That I Shoul Gain. I Am His And He Is Mine.
Translation: This matching folio to crooner Michael Feinstein's 2003 Concord Records release celebrates the songs of the great Jimmy Webb.