Translation: B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Famous Christmas Tunes. Edited by Lutz Goehmann. Michael Schmidt. For 2-3 trumpets. This edition. ED 8483.
Translation: Entr'acte after Act I. Entr'acte after Act II. Entr'acte after Act III. Entr'acte after Act IV.
Translation: Orchestral Excerpts. Flute sheet music. Advanced. Orchestral Excerpts composed by The Royal Conservatory Music Development Program.
Translation: Die Feen, Act I, Part 1 - Wo bist Du, ach. Die Feen, Act I, Part 1 - War einst' ne bose Hexe.
Translation: The Free protection op. Entre'acte. 77 JV 277. Carl Maria von Weber. Voice Solo sheet music. The Free protection op. 1786-1826.
Translation: Sing as if you will die tomorrow. I love to die. Die for Ideas. Marianne was pretty. Was a porcelain.
Translation: A die to die. The apparatus was in. It was well. Electric Guitar sheet music. Album. Pop.