Translation: Blue Ribbon Favorite Piano Solos Encyclopedia. Give the Bassist a Break. C. Atkinson. O.N. Russell.
Translation: W Mozart. N. Korsakoff. CHOPIN - Prelude in E Minor, Op. 28, No. 4. MACDOWELL To a Wild Rose.
Translation: E Flaconer. W. Jerome. C Olcott. W Carleton. L Friedman.
Translation: “The Schott Recorder Consort Anthology” presents a wealth of music from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries.
Translation: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Like A River Glorious. W Bradbury. L Redner. A Gordon.
Translation: C Tomlin. D. Smith. N. Gordon. A Howard.
Translation: Bop and groove with a song for every letter of the alphabet from A to Z. 'N' Is So Nice. Be Bop A Ree Bop.
Translation: E.C. Керби. Frog Went A-Courtin'. Ha, Ha, This-A-Way. I Gave My Love A Cherry. A Paper Of Pins.