Translation: Catalan. Large mixed together. Bass Guitar. Plan.
Translation: Catalan. Large mixed together. Accordion. Acoustic Guitar. Bass Guitar.
Translation: Catalan.
Translation: Manuel de Falla.
Translation: Plan. Solo Soprano. No. 5 of Siete canciones populares espaƱolas. "Seven Spanish Folksongs". 1914.
Translation: Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Composed by Spanish Carol. Arranged by Henry Kihlken. For SAB, Keyboard. Plan.
Translation: Murm'ring a Lullaby. Mexican Folk Song. Choir sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music. Murm'ring a Lullaby. Arranged by David Eddleman.
Translation: For TB Voices and Tenor Solo with Keyboard and Optional Cello. Traditional Spanish Carol. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. 12 pages.
Translation: For Three-Part Mixed Voices with Keyboard. For Treble Voice, Bass Voice, Keyboard. Spanish Folk Song.
Translation: For 2-part voices and piano. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Sing Out Series. Christmas, Multicultural. Eighth.
Translation: Classical Guitar sheet music. Flute sheet music. Piano sheet music. Arranged by ester alessandrini. Performance. Published by ester.
Translation: Hear Lullabies And Sleep Now. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Hear Lullabies And Sleep Now. by Traditional Spanish Melody. chords only. Folk.
Translation: Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Guitar sheet music. by Alicia Keys. chords only.