Translation: "Along the river, along the yes on Kazanka. "For high voice, Gypsy Choir and Piano, 3, pp.. M. Gorshkov.
Translation: processing Russian. for Voice and Piano. cum. A. zhivtsov.
Translation: Yes Gosspodi cried and corrected. harmonization of the 1st voice. K. Stankovic.
Translation: Yes Gosspodi cried and corrected. harmonization 5th voice. K. Stankovic.
Translation: "Let my prayer" for soloist. low voice. P. Chesnokov.
Translation: Yes Gosspodi cried and corrected. harmonization 6th voice. K. Stankovic.
Translation: Yes Gosspodi cried and corrected. harmonization 4th voice. K. Stankovic.
Translation: Yes Gosspodi cried and corrected. harmonization 2nd voice. K. Stankovic.
Translation: Yes Gosspodi cried and corrected. harmonization third voice. K. Stankovic.
Translation: "Over the fields, but over the net," for voice and piano, different tonality. L. Shokhin.
Translation: "Am I in the field but was not Travushka. for Voice and Piano. Tchaikovsky.
Translation: next. for Voice and Piano. N. Dobronravova, "But is the heart forgets. Pahmutowa.
Translation: next. for Voice and Piano. N. Dobronravova, "Miracles, and only". Pahmutowa.
Translation: processing Russian. the song "Over the fields so over the net," for voice and piano,. cum. Unknown author.