Translation: Vocal cycle to words A. Fet for soloists. mezzo-soprano, tenor. Yu Pronin.
Translation: "Vocal cycle to the words of A. Blok, for Voice and Piano. Veselov.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Angelic sweetness. snare, cymbal and piano. Sheet Music. Plan. Angelic sweetness.
Translation: William Finn. Alfred Publishing Co.. English. Plan. Chords.
Translation: Work for High Voice.
Translation: Among Hector Berlioz 's best-loved works, Les Nuits D'Eté sets six poems by Théophile Gautier to music. The wraith of a rose.
Translation: Vocal and Singer Pro.. Plan. - Digital Sheet Music Collection. Plan. Piano and Voice.
Translation: or countertenor. , three tenors.
Translation: Alfred Publishing Co.. Plan. Solero. English.
Translation: Plan. Solero. English.