Translation: Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky (1904-1987). The first of May. Kabalevsky. Vysotsky. Russian composers.
Translation: Zara Aleksandrovna Levina (1906-1976). Asleep in the sun river (chorus). Levin. Vysotsky. Russian composers.
Translation: In the boat. Rauhverger. Vysotsky. Songs for Children.
Translation: Tree. Rauhverger. Vysotsky. Songs for Children.
Translation: Red poppies. Rauhverger. Vysotsky. Songs for Children.
Translation: The first of May. Kabalevsky. Vysotsky. Songs for Children.
Translation: Song of the border guards. Bugoslavsky. Vysotsky. Songs for Children.
Translation: Snowy evening. Glory. Vysotsky. Songs for Children.
Translation: Vladimir Vysotsky, "Song Book" (for voice and guitar)..
Translation: G. Garnishevskaya "bard's Waltz" (in memory of Vladimir Vysotsky), a piece for guitar..
Translation: Farewell ("Ships stand up and lie on the course ...»). Vladimir Vysotsky -.
Translation: The song is about the pioneering friendship. V. Loktev, O. Vysotsky. Instr. A. Ladanovskogo -.
Translation: About Volodya Vysotsky. Bulat Okudzhava.
Translation: Penal battalions. Vladimir Vysotsky.
Translation: Mass graves. Vladimir Vysotsky.
Translation: He did not return from battle. Vladimir Vysotsky.
Translation: As it happened - the men are gone .... Vladimir Vysotsky.
Translation: On the fatal dates and numbers. Vladimir Vysotsky.