Translation: Violins in the evening.
Translation: Violins in the Evening. Camille Saint-Saens. Piano sheet music. Violin Solo sheet music. 1835-1921. For violin, piano. Text Language.
Translation: Danse Du Barbier. CD Only. Accordion sheet music. Beginning. CD Only. composed by Laurie Hart and Greg Sandell. For ,. Songbook.
Translation: Le Reve De Queteux Tremblay. Le Brandy. Le Petit Bal A Oil. Le P'tit Bucheux. Le Bal Des Accordions.
Translation: Le Bal defendu. Le Bar de l'escadrille. Le Chant du gardian. Le Grand Charles. Le Gros Bill.
Translation: Le Chat Noir. Le Cucurbitacee. Dans mon aeroplane. Le Dénicheur. Le Fiacre. Le Grand Lustukru.