Translation: Octave Scale Studies for the Violin, Book One composed by Cassia Harvey. 30 pages. Published by C. Harvey Publications.
Translation: One-Octave Scales composed by Cassia Harvey. For violin.
Translation: for Violin. For Violin. Violin. Composed by James Starr and Paul Rolland. Boosey . 28 pages. Буси.
Translation: Two Octave Scales and Bowings composed by Susan C. Brown.
Translation: Scales and arpeggios two octaves. Ranges and Arpeges Of 2 Octaves composed by E. Dandois. For violin solo.
Translation: Scales and Arpeggios Vol. 3. tierces, sixtes in octaves. Scales and Arpeggios Vol. 3. For violin. Emile Nerini.
Translation: Scales and Arpeggios Vol. 1. Scales and Arpeggios Vol. 1. composed by Emile Nerini. Studies.
Translation: Scales and Arpeggios Vol. 2. Scales and Arpeggios Vol. 2. composed by Emile Nerini. Studies.
Translation: For Violin. - One-octave major scales, grouped by common finger patterns. - Pentatonic Scales. Advanced.
Translation: Easy Wohlfahrt for Strings - selected duets for 2 violins composed by Franz Wohlfahrt. helps improve beginner scales.
Translation: ' This all-pizzicato work is based entirely on a one octave D major scale, so students can focus on left hand technique.
Translation: Based entirely on a one-octave D Major scale, this social work is an ideal selection for the lighter portion of your concert.
Translation: pure, melodic, and harmonic forms of the minor scale. Carlos Nunez. Intermediate. Orchestra. Orchestra method. study.
Translation: For violin. " TECHNIQUE Arpeggios, and Broken Thirds in one, two, and three octaves, in every major and minor key. Orchestra.
Translation: For violin. Violin Book. Two-octave blues scales to four sharps and flats are included as a bonus.
Translation: for Violin. detailed practice routine for scales. three octave major and minor scales and arpeggios.