Translation: Part I, No.12. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Handel, George Frideric.
Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Handel, George Frideric.
Translation: Hallelujah.
Translation: "Let us Break their Bonds Asunder" for Flugelhorn & Strings. Trumpet and String Quartet. "Let us Break their Bonds Asunder".
Translation: Viola and Strings. for Viola. "He was Despised and Rejected of Men".
Translation: for Viola. Magatagan, Mike. "Comfort Ye My People".
Translation: HWV 56 Part 1 Scene 3 No. 10. HWV 56. for Viola. Viola Part. Magatagan, Mike. Harp Part.
Translation: "But thou didst not Leave his Soul in Hell" for Trumpet & Strings. Trumpet and String Quartet. "But thou didst not Leave his Soul in Hell".
Translation: Viola and Strings. for Viola. Magatagan, Mike. "If God be for us, Who can be Against us".
Translation: "He Trusted in God that He Would Deliver Him" for Oboe & Strings. Magatagan, Mike. "He Trusted in God that He Would Deliver Him". for Oboe.
Translation: "Behold the Lamb of God" for Oboe & Strings. Magatagan, Mike. "Behold the Lamb of God". for Oboe.
Translation: "The Trumpet Shall Sound" for Trumpet, Horn & Strings. Winds. Magatagan, Mike. "The Trumpet Shall Sound". for Trumpet, Horn. Trumpet Part.
Translation: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Flute 1, 2. Oboe 1, 2. Clarinet 1, 2.