Translation: The Second part is for the Lute, the Viole and foure Voices to Sing. Robert Jones. Secular , Madrigal. Languages. English , Italian.
Translation: On of the Fourpart lute songs from Robert Jones A Musical Dream or the fourth booke of Ayres 1609. English. SATB.
Translation: English Horn, Viola Da Gamba, and Harpsichord. English Horn, Viola Da Gamba, Harpsichord.
Translation: English Horn, Viola Da Gamba, and Harpsichord. English Horn, Viola Da Gamba, Harpsicord.
Translation: Three Songs. Three Songs. For 2 violins, viola da gamba. Venice 1627. Bassoon sheet music.
Translation: The second book of songs to play three-op. The second book of songs to play three-op. Venice, 1639. Tarquinio Merula.
Translation: Games, songs, antics and touch. Games, songs, antics and touch edited by Christian Contadin. The voice of the Ambassador.
Translation: Five Songs from sonarsi with Violas da gamba aggiuntovi dui Madrigali a 6 agreed with the tools. Second Opera.
Translation: Viola da Gamba Series. Voice sheet music. Recorder sheet music. Edited by Donald Beecher. For SSATB recorders. rape.
Translation: Recitativo and Arioso from Sonata in E minor for viola da gamba. September Song from Knickerbocker Glory.
Translation: The material is not restricted to Britain, but also includes songs from Canada and the United States. Orff Instrument sheet music.
Translation: Song composed by Giovanni Valentini. Bassoon sheet music. Cello sheet music. Flute sheet music. Horn sheet music. Oboe sheet music.
Translation: The song Bernardinia. , Volumes 5 . , Volumes 5 . For Recorder. Instruction.
Translation: Christmas in Baroque style. Therefore, organ, virginal and viola da gamba were chosen as accompanying instruments. BC.