Translation: F. Della Torre.
Translation: Secular, Carol. Cancionero de Palacio, #18 according to Barbieri's index.
Translation: José Torres. String ensemble. Sacred, Carol. Language. Spanish. SSAT or SSAA.
Translation: Secular, Carol.
Translation: Sacred, Carol.
Translation: Sadness. Secular, Carol.
Translation: What the wash. Secular, Carol.
Translation: Paraphrases the Gregorian melody of Puer natus est , the introit for Christmas Day.
Translation: Secular, Carol. Colectânea de música vocal dos séculos XV e XVI.. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. 1530-1550.
Translation: I am Serranica, and come d'Extremadura. Secular, Carol.
Translation: Secular, Carol. 1560 - 1570.