Translation: Final.
Translation: Sacred , Chant , Office hymn for Pentecost.
Translation: Gregorian chant melody in the tenor part. Jean de Bournonville. A cappella. Sacred , Motet , Office hymn for Pentecost Meter. L.M.
Translation: Resurrexi - Handbells composed by Gerald Near. For handbells.
Translation: Motet Based on Gregorian Hymn for 2 Mixed Choirs and Organ. Composed by Bertold Hummel. 1925-2002. For Choral. Choral Large Works.
Translation: Resurrexi composed by Gerald Near. 1942-.
Translation: A collection of five compositions based on four Gregorian melodies. Partita on VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS.
Translation: Many of his more than 100 organ works deal with themes of the Gregorian chorale. Partita for Organ. Composed by Hermann Schroeder.
Translation: The Organist liturgist, Op 65, Book 1 - Two stanzas of the hymn Veni creator spiritus. Various. Organ Solo sheet music.
Translation: Veni Creator Spiritus. Lucis Creator Optime. Titelouze's tombstone - Sixteen Chorals. ORG.
Translation: B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Horn sheet music. Grade 6. Concerto for Winds and Percussion. Composed by David Gillingham. For concert band.
Translation: A Further Handbook for Singing. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. A Further Handbook for Singing composed by Peter Hunt. Voiceworks.