Translation: "Dance For Burgess", for chamber orchestra and percussion, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Octandre", for percussion ensemble, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Density 21.5", for flute solo. E. Varese.
Translation: "Tuning Up", for chamber orchestra, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Integrales", for brass and percussion, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Offrandes", for soprano and chamber orchestra, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Deserts", for symphony orchestra, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Nocturnal", for orchestra, chorus and soprano bass, score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Ecuatorial", for symphony orchestra, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Hyperprism", for symphony orchestra, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Arcana", for symphony orchestra, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: "Ameriques", for symphony orchestra, the score. E. Varese.
Translation: FLT. Edgard Varèse.
Translation: and Edgard Var. For Flute. Flute. Woodwind Solo. 4 pages.