Translation: My Funny Valentine. Arthur Murray Taught Me Dancing In A Hurry. You Mean the World to Me. Hello, It's Me.
Translation: Tell Me Why. Go, Tell It on the Mountain. Let It Be Me. Come And Go With Me. Can't Buy Me Love.
Translation: Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Go, Tell It on the Mountain. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Come And Go With Me.
Translation: As Long As He Needs Me. Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me. Bobby Sox to Stockings. Kiss Me Much.
Translation: A Little Bird Told Me. Don't Tell My Heart. Answer Me My Love. As Long As He Needs Me.
Translation: A Word that means the World to me. Bobby Sox to Stockings. Don't Tell My Heart. All Of Me.
Translation: Always Something There To Remind Me. Answer Me My Love. As Long As He Needs Me. Kiss Me Much.