Translation: Thus, Reinecke was able to add a striking work to the small Clarinet-Piano repertoire. Clarinet, Piano Accompaniment.
Translation: Flute, Piano Accompaniment. PFA.
Translation: Piano sheet music. Sonate Fur Klarinette Und Klavier. 1824-1910. Edited by Irmlind Capelle.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1824-1910. Edited by Irmlind Capelle. For Flute, Piano. Opus167.
Translation: CL.WFR831. She is the Principal Flutist of the New York Symphonic Ensemble and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.
Translation: Flute Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 18 Galway Editions for Flute by 13 Composers Flute and Piano. Composed by Various.
Translation: The Boosey . Piano Accompaniment sheet music. The Boosey . 24 Pieces by 16 Composers for Flute . For Flute, Piano Accompaniment.