Translation: 2 Trumpets, 1 Horn, 1 Trombone, 1 Tuba. Main sheet music.
Translation: Tuba tune in D Major, Op.15 composed by C.S. Lang. Intermediate. Classical. Intermediate. 5 pages.
Translation: Op. 15. Three pages.
Translation: Tuba. Your students will want to use Tons of Tunes for the Holidays year after year. Auld Lang Syne. Amy Adam.
Translation: John Adams, the composer of this easily played collection, was a pupil of C. S. Lang of Tuba Tune fame.
Translation: He is best remembered for his work Tuba Tune, which regularly appears on recital programmes. Book 2. Sheet Music. ORG.
Translation: He is best remembered for his work Tuba Tune, which regularly appears on recital programmes. Book 1. Sheet Music. ORG.