Translation: If you of my death.
Translation: If you of my death. Plan. Secular, Air.
Translation: You, you CARO even weep my joy - Part One. What if you could partir alma welcome - Part Two. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti. Novato Music Press. Voice. Plan.
Translation: Se Florindo E Fedele. If You Of My Mort. Se tu m'ami. Various. Voice sheet music. Piano sheet music. Book I.
Translation: Se Tu M' Ami, Se Sospiri. Voice sheet music. Masterworks. Vocal Collection. Masterwork. Book. 144 pages.
Translation: Mezzo-Soprano Voice sheet music. Intermediate. For Vocal.
Translation: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Soprano Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1756-1791. For voice and piano.
Translation: Se mai piu saro geloso. Di' tu se fedele. Version 2.0. Various. Tenor Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.
Translation: Oh, se sapeste. Se mai vien tocca. Se l' aura spira. Se mai senti. Se bel rio. Tu lo sai.
Translation: Choir sheet music. The Flower of the Italian Madrigal Volume 2 composed by Various. Edited by Jerome Roche. For 5 . Madrigal. Collection.
Translation: Low Voice sheet music. Medium Voice sheet music. Medium-Low Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Low Voice. 1797-1848.
Translation: The Complete Five Voice Madrigals Volume 4. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. 1553-1599. Edited by John Steele. For 5 mixed voices.
Translation: The Complete Five Voice Madrigals Volume 2. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. 1553-1599. Edited by John Steele. For 5 .
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. with 2 CDs of Piano Accompaniments and Diction Lessons by a Native Speaker. Composed by Various.
Translation: The Complete Five Voice Madrigals Volume 1. Sigismondo D'India. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. 1582-1629. Edited by Suzanne Court.