Translation: Thou hast my heart. Published by Casa Musicale Eco. CM.EM1844. ISBN 9788860533821. History of "operetta" in Europe.
Translation: Tu che m'hai preso il cuor dall'Opera IL PAESE DEL SORRISO composed by Franz Lehar. Soprano Voice sheet music.
Translation: Che'l more clear sol. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Soprano Recorder sheet music. composed by Giacomo Gorzanis.
Translation: I'm too flirty. Tu fosti tradito. Hai ben ragione. Di' tu se fedele. Version 2.0. Various.
Translation: I'm Called Little Buttercup. You, ch'hai pens, Love. If You M'ami, If Sighs. Tu lo sai. High Air Album. Various.
Translation: I'm still completely dizzy. Yes, tonight I'm Queen. You, ch'hai pens, Love. If You M'ami, If Sighs. Version 2.0.
Translation: Sciagurata, hai tu creduto. O tu ch'innanzi morte from ORFEO. She never m'am. Voice sheet music. Bass.
Translation: , Act I, Part 1 - Salvami tu, gran Dio. , Act I, Part 2 - Oh, qual m'invade. , Act III - Mina, pensai che un angelo.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Piano sheet music. Anthology composed by Luciano Pavarotti. For piano and vocals. Songbook. Text Language.
Translation: C Instrument sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. 100 Italian Evergreens for C instruments. Plan. Professional Books series. Melody line.
Translation: Piano sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Operetta Arias for piano and vocals. Vocal Music. Songbook. Published by Carisch Edition.
Translation: O.L.S.M.M.. Sugar. Voice sheet music. Music For Violas. Composed by Sugar. For voice.
Translation: Sono come tu mi vuoi. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. The New Italian Real Book for guitar and vocals.
Translation: Bel nume che adoro. Oh, che umore stravagante – A. Scarlatti. Diro che fida sei. Ma che vi costa, signor tutore.