Translation: Soprano or Tenor and Piano.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Too much, alas, far too much, GWV 1126.
Translation: Leanne wrote. “I keep coming back to this poem.
Translation: Smokey Robinson. Piano, Vocal. Right-Hand Melody. Smokey Robinson. Smokey Robinson.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Rocker.
Translation: Kurt Julian Weill. Firebrand of Florence. Ira Gershwin. Alfred Publishing Co.. 0-7692-9046-9. Solero. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. I read so many tales of love, I di'n't believe them true until the day when heav'n above first let me gaze on you.
Translation: You're drifting too far from the peaceful shore. Jerry Garcia. Hal Leonard. English. 0-7692-8207-5. Solero. Easy Guitar.