Translation: Large mixed together.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: 0-7692-0071-0. Bass Tab.. English. 1981.
Translation: A modern-day warrior mean, mean stride today's Tom Sawyer, mean, mean pride. Guitar Tab. Solero. English. 1981.
Translation: Classic Rush - Bass Anthology Series. Bass Guitar. MN0059690. Contains partial lyrics.
Translation: As a bonus, Tom closes the DVD with a hilarious performance of the song Remember. My Favorite Songs. Region 0.
Translation: Lead Sheet.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. E3-E5. MN0103699_D7.
Translation: Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. C#4-C#6. MN0103699_U2.
Translation: Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. D3-D5. MN0103699_D9.
Translation: Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. F#3-F#5. MN0103699_D5.
Translation: Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. B3-B5. MN0103699.
Translation: Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. A3-A5. MN0103699_D2.
Translation: Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. G3-G5. MN0103699_D4.
Translation: Rush books, so wannabes can get together and form the best covers band in town. Guitar. Sheet Music, CD. Guitar. GTR.