Translation: “Figured bass” was a Baroque system of notating harmony. By the rivers of Babylon. From the depths of my heart.
Translation: The author shares a wealth of melodies collected over the past 10 years, the majority learned by ear at Irish sessions.
Translation: is the revolutionary series of masterworks on CD- or DVD-ROM that transforms a PC or MAC computer into a virtual music library.
Translation: Learn the trademark riffs and solos of Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Allman Brothers Band, ZZ Top and other southern rockers.
Translation: This fourth edition has been updated to feature 150 of the best ballads of all time. Fields of Gold.
Translation: Trade. The discs also include biographical and analytical information from Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians , 1911 Edition.
Translation: The Love of God. The Lily Of The Valley. Footsteps Of Jesus. God Will Take Care of You.
Translation: They have been skillfully transcribed and edited by Samuel Applebaum, one of America's foremost teachers. The Wise Man.
Translation: Bless The Name Of Jesus. The Bond Of Love. Champion Of Love. Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing.
Translation: My Kind Of Town. The Dock of the Bay. ALL OF YOU. BIRTH OF THE BLUES, THE.
Translation: Rude Old Man. Piano Man. I Thought Of You. My Kind Of Girl.
Translation: Man in the Mirror. Macho Man. Best of My Love. What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted. Crooked Little Man.
Translation: Brahms, Schubert. , Song of Destiny, gypsy songs, love songs Waltzes, 4 other works.