Translation: SATB with descant.
Translation: Large mixed together.
Translation: Basil Harwood. Brassworks 4 Publishing. Trombone 1. Trombone Quartet.
Translation: Basil Harwood. Brassworks 4 Publishing. Trombone 2. Trombone Quartet.
Translation: Basil Harwood. Brassworks 4 Publishing. Trombone 3. Trombone Quartet.
Translation: Basil Harwood. Brassworks 4 Publishing. Legacy. Bass Trombone. Trombone Quartet.
Translation: Brassworks 4 Publishing. Legacy. Score. Trombone Quartet.
Translation: Basil Harwood. Brassworks 4 Publishing. Trombone Quartet.
Translation: Thy Hand, O God has Guided composed by Harwood. For Trombone Quartet. Published by BrassWorks4.
Translation: Praise Ye The Triune God. Praise Our God. O God, Our Help In Ages Past.
Translation: I Sing the Mighty Power of God. When All Thy Mercies. God Of Everlasting Glory.
Translation: Morning has Broken. Great God, We Sing Your Mighty Hand. O Day Of Rest And Gladness. The Love of God.
Translation: Christ The Lord Has Risen Today. God Be With You Till We Meet Again. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.
Translation: Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise.
Translation: God Bless the Grass. God Bless The Moon. God's Gift to Women. Green Grow the Rashes-o.