Translation: Mac Powell , Mark David Lee , Tai Anderson , Brad Avery , David Carr. Plan.
Translation: Not just anyone could follow up a smash hit album like Drops of Jupiter with an even better one, but San Fran band Train has done it.
Translation: Angelo Waltz - Love's Dream After the Ball - Stephanie Gavotte - Debussy. Angel Of Love. Angelo Waltz.
Translation: Good Day Sunshine. Got A Date With An Angel. Here's That Rainy Day. It's A Lovely Day Today.
Translation: With over 1200 songs in all styles of music, this third edition has been updated to include even more great songs and recent hits.
Translation: A Day In The Life Of A Fool. Got A Date With An Angel. It's A Lovely Day Today. It's A Most Unusual Day.
Translation: Where Angels Fear To Tread. Got A Date With An Angel. Here's That Rainy Day. It's A Lovely Day Today.