Translation: String Quartet. Main sheet music.
Translation: Sviridov The Snowstorm (Musical Illustrations to Pushkin's Tale) - Full Score - No 9. Winter Way.
Translation: The Winter's Tale.
Translation: Work for Orchestra premiered by BBC Symphony Orchestra in 1961.
Translation: The first, Come Away, Death is a sombre moment from Twelfth Night, with the second, Will You Buy Any Tape. Sheet Music. SSA.
Translation: Mario Castelnuovo-German.
Translation: Mario Castelnuovo-German. Shakespeare Songs Book 8. Voice, Piano Accompaniment. VCE. PFA.
Translation: --.
Translation: Each song is chorded for guitar in the musical style of the Elizabethan era. Melody Line, Lyrics. MLC.
Translation: Bassoon. BSN. Three Diversions for bassoon and piano, originally conceived as a Bassoon Sonata. Grade. 5 - 7.
Translation: hence the dedication of the third movement to Igor Stravinsky. Winternacht - 87 Version.