Translation: This may very well be the “don't miss” anthem of the year. SATB. Glory Sound. 16 pages.
Translation: This new edition weaves the vocal parts into SATB and makes a long-time favorite available for choirs today. SATB. Sacred.
Translation: Like the old folk saying, “I'm laughing to keep from crying,” Woody gives this tragic story a comic twist. By Woody Guthrie.
Translation: CME Conductor's Choice  Â. Composed by Rupert Lang.
Translation: For the final - somewhat more extended - repetition, the measure is kept in 6.
Translation: The 16-Bar Theatre Audition - Tenor Edition. from Man of La Mancha. - Digital Sheet Music. from Man of La Mancha. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: I weave with brightly colored strings to keep my mind off other things Falling in love with love is falling for make believe.
Translation: A Christmas Sampler arranged by Bruce Preuninger. Concert Band. Concert Band. Alfred Debut Series. Christmas.
Translation: I weave with brightly colored strings To keep my mind off other things. The Richard Rodgers Collection. Plan. Chords.